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Wrong application opens instead of PS/IR
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Joined: 18 May 2006
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:20 pm    Post subject: Wrong application opens instead of PS/IR Reply with quote

I downloaded MacHacha because I needed it to join some segments for Toast . So, I open ImageReady and use it but I look in the dock and notice a funky icon and not the right one but again, it still works but I don't trust it. I close IR and re-open it but MacHacha opens instead. I go to my Adobe Photoshop folder which contains IR with the right icon but it still opens MacHacha. So, I click get info in finder and it says that IR is a MacHacha file. WTH? I don't even know how but after I copied IR to my applications but not in my PS folder and I right-clicked get info and it says Kind: Adobe IR but it's the wrong icon. I can use IR but it's all messed up. I opened it from the PS folder and got info and it says it was modified on the 10th which I don't understand. I've used it since then and right until last night, it was working fine with the right icon etc. I also can't jump from IR to PS but the reverse works. I even tried adding IR to the dock from Apps (not PS) and the right icon appeared. However, when I clicked on it, it didn't worked and the wrong icon is shown right next to it. Here are some captures, don't click- C&P. Now, it's happening with PS 7 which is recognized as a MacHacha file. 2.926.png (what I see when I right-click and show contents in IR from PS folder) 3.204.png (what happens when I try to jump from PS to IR when IR wasn't open) 6.467.png (what I see when I launch IR from Apps but not PS folder) 5.16c.png (the right icon in Applications but not in PS folder) 7.92a.png (dock when I open IR from Apps not PS folder)

How do I change the kind of file it is from the PS folder. Why did it happen in the first place? Why would downloading MacHacha affect IR? How do I prevent this in the future? Any help would be much appreciated.
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well my first thought is to restore your computer to brfore you installed mchacha, obviously something from it is affecting photoshop.

I haven't heard of mchacha but could it have a bug or even a virus in it?, I'm assuming it's some sort of freeware program, is there a link to the builders e.mail or forum to check if this is a known bug, there might be a fix. (none of the links work for me to your photos) Wayne
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Joined: 18 May 2006
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The links are good. You have to copy and paste. The site gives a space after picture so clicking won't work.

I have an iMac G4 so I don't think it's a virus. I've e-mailed the company and hopefully, I will get a response but I doubt it. I think it's because I dragged the MacHacha icon into Macintosh HD while PS and IR were open and that's why it recognizes them as MacHacha files.
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