Go to Google or Bing, switch to the images part of it and choose "large" sized photos. Then type in textures and you should have a number of backgrounds come up. Not all will be free ones but there are many out there. I also second the Deviant Art idea. There are a lot of nice free use backdrops on there and there are links to some you can buy if you are so inclined. There are CD's out there. Also, textures, backdrops they're all around you. Take pics of things like walls, fabrics, scan scrapbook papers, art papers, or make your own using texture brushes and shapes in Photoshop. All you need to do is make a blank canvas that's 8x10 and work from there. Save it at 300dpi when you are done as a tiff and you are ready to go. Making fake muslin tutorials are all over You Tube. It's not that hard to do and you'll have the advantage of owning a lot of backdrops, unique ones, and not having to pay for them.