I was wondering is anyone could assist me here.
am a website designer an come up with a pretty good idea,
But if i can do it is another thing, This is what am trying to do:
I have 3 images of a Till (the tills you see in shops with barcoding etc)
I was trying to find some sort of program to read these 3 images
and convert these images into a 3d Virtual object,
Were i am able to view this object in any direction,
What am trying to make, is a Flash banner of the Til spinning 360 then settles still, so i need to take a few pictues of the virtual object to be able tp do this.
Sorry is this seems to be comfusing,
I used a program years and years ago, this took 3 - 4 pictures of your face, then converted the images to make and annimated 3d virtual object of your face thats your able to view in every direction,
I have looked for this a year ago and its no longer existant, i no longer know the name and no longer have the CD with the demo on ,
Is there anyone there who could possible point me in the right direction,
Am happy to pay if someone can realy help me out
Dave |