My name is Nick and I'm currently learning to fly for the USN. I'm hoping someone can help me out with an idea I have. So, here's what's up. A big milestone in the training pipeline is when a student is ready for his first solo flight. Upon successfully completing said solo, there is a congratulatory ritual (borderline hazing) ceremony for the students. The student steps up in front of the entire squadron, states his name, and requests to "address the court." He then has to tell a funny or interesting story about his instructor that worked with him through his solo fight. The instructor tells a return story, usually a highly embarrassing and about 10% true. You then give your instructor a gift and a large bottle of booze to thank them. The judges further rip into the student and charge him money for each "wrongful" thing he has done. You get the picture...
So, naturally, as Navy pilots - we make fun of anything and everything Air Force related. To keep things simple, my instructor was an "E-6B Mercury" pilot, which is a joint effort mission with the Air Force. He did his time on that job, then became an instructor teaching Air Force students to fly the "T-6B Texan" for several years. He then transferred to a Navy training facility flying the same aircraft, and recently transferred into a Reserve component which will keep him instructing for years to come. So, my joke will be something along the lines of how the AF sucks so bad he fled for the training squadrons, then to another one, and now wants to retire as an instructor. Yes, the joke still needs work, haha...
Okay, so here's what I need. A large picture of the E-6 aircraft with a Navy T-6 paint scheme. The E-6 has 4 turbine engines - just like an airliner. The T-6 has a propeller, so I was also throwing around the idea of this modified aircraft having T-6 style propellers on the wing. The name, or title, for this new aircarft would be the "ET-6B Polson" and putting the Air Force, Navy, and both squadrons logos across the bottom. I can supply pictures to anyone who is interested. I thought about putting it in a 12" x 18" frame. Images of the aircraft can easily be found on Google, or airliners.net is a good source for aviation photos. I have several photos saved that I think could help, so if you're interested message me for details.
Thank you! |