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Joined: 12 Dec 2012
Posts: 80

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:50 am    Post subject: help tocreate a real outstanding poster Reply with quote

Hi in the first year my girlfriend and I were together we wrote each other a lot of poems. I wrote her one called rainbow land.

here is a picture of my idea, i have made a handwritten draw also but have not yet scanned it in.

rainbowland is a wonderfull iland with stars about the half of it and a blue sky over the other part. there is a raibow streching from the stars annd down into the middle of the island. here there are a little lagoon where the rainbow turns into water that runs and turns into a waterfall that runs as i little river through the island and out into he sea.

the island a made of a midlle with a forrest a second ring with some low bush, especially along the river and ends up as a beach.

at the beach we have a lillte wooden cabin on poles and with thatched roof. there a a little boat and a jetty ( a baths bridge out in the water). on the beach i have drawn a litlle heart.

now my problem is that I cant make it my self, because it is way ovewr my skills.

I cant affort paying anyone

I really would love to make this on a poster size a2 o a3. does anyone see the potentil in this and just think I would really like to help this young man who loves his fiancied so much hi wrote her this poem and now after nearly 12 years together want to show her a picture of t"there island" a place they agreed to meet in when they go to sleep at night and may have had a rouf day og week.

I desperately ned help to fix it and there are about a year to i have to use it. I will offcourse try to find out a way to put my pictures in a free cloud services, where a helping person free can download them from and perhaps even upload to.

thanks a lot you guys

regnbueland for internettet.jpg
the picture
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