Hey folks, I'm having a weird issue with some images I've worked on recently. I've used Google to search for other people having the same problem, but had no luck. As you can see if you view the attached photo against a black (or just dark) background there are rather sudden changes in color and light levels, and slight pixelation (all in the lower left corner mostly, but visible in other areas as well) which are quite ugly and which I haven't a clue how to fix nor do I know how it happened.
Photoshop process: Calculations - Mix red/green with multiply blending-mode at 50%. Convert to Lab mode and use a Levels adjustment layer to darken mid-tones and a Curves adjustment layer to darken the shadows using an S-curve (the adjustments were not too dramatic). Convert to RGB and use a Curves adjustment layer with Color blending-mode to add a sort of sepia tone, as well as another Curves adjustment layer with Saturation blending-mode to tone down the saturation using an S-curve. Add a subtle vignette. Re-size to 800x800 pixels at 240dpi (originally I was using 72dpi because these are for the web but I tried 240 to see if that made a difference, but it did not). Convert to 8-bit and save at a quality of 11/12.
I've tried saving the image as 16-bit and at 12/12 quality but that did not make a difference. If anyone has had this problem before and/or has any solutions they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this. |