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Need help for a fancy ancient look
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Joined: 04 May 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:23 pm    Post subject: Need help for a fancy ancient look Reply with quote

Hey, this is Thy again and I actually tried first on my own to develop a T shirt that looks ancient in a way. I'm looking for an awesome theme and I need honest opinions about the art itself. What you think? You think you'll get a T shirt like this? The symbol on the T-shirt represents the libra scale and there are like two people bowing down representing judgment. This art is something I personally made and it wasn't done intentionally, but this is what I see within the image. I added a small amount of yellowish gold in the libra scale so I can help make it obvious; however I wanted it to shine and glow in a way to stick out. I think the symbol itself seems too stale and boring by itself to really sell. Please give me your honest opinion along with some tips on what I can do to make things better please. Thank you. ^.^

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

These are all personal opinions so take from it what you want.

If I were buying it i would like the main artwork to be on the back of the t-shirt and possibly a smaller part of the overall work to be on the front.

In the image it looks as if someones slid through the dirt with your t-shirt on, probably bringing it further away from the base color of the shirt would make it more appealing.

I liked how in your other thread there was depth to it due to what I think is calligraphic brush strokes.

If you want it to glow you could have backlight coming out of the symbol as if it was cut through rock and the was sun shining from the other side.

Its a great piece so its hard to make it better without taking away from it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hahaha, it really does appear as if the person wearing the shirt did slide through some dirt. Thank you for that honest opinion. I had a friend tell me that they prefer the calligraphy brush strokes and I assume you're saying that it looks better than what brush I'm using now. The brush I used to create that was out of the thought of giving it a chalk written look on rock. (Fail) However, I'm mainly interested in your opinion in the creation of a design. I'm not too adept with photoshop, but I like your idea; basically you're describing the symbol to appear, before some rock and bursting out shining with sun light is that it?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:06 am    Post subject: Haha Reply with quote

Hahaha, it really does appear as if the person wearing the shirt did slide through some dirt. Thank you for that honest opinion. I had a friend tell me that they prefer the calligraphy brush strokes and I assume you're saying that it looks better than what brush I'm using now. The brush I used to create that was out of the thought of giving it a chalk written look on rock. (Fail) However, I'm mainly interested in your opinion in the creation of a design. I'm not too adept with photoshop, but I like your idea; basically you're describing the symbol to appear, before some rock and bursting out shining with sun light is that it?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

first of strictly... smililng.. rambling thoughts/ ....

i think it important to be clear on the theme and then you address photoshop...

I don't know what your main theme is!! now you address what a couple of the symbols are supposed to be... but that doesn't convey the main theme aat least not a indication... and i don't know what the rest of the sysmbols are supposed to be..

the scale can have different meaning... can be justice or measureing type themes... now painting the scale gold point it in a particular direction and maybe your now just talking about gold/wealth not justice or measuring and then you mentioned two people... it sort of look like there looking away from the scale... hense the meaning could be people renouncing gold or wealth... ....
note: on that top symbol, square box with dot... if that supposed to represent the "all seeing eye"...
i would maybe redisign that.... maybe make it bigger and instead of a box a triangle ...

I think with this type of designe where there many symbols have meanings ... to check if they do convey a story/theme or what you want it to convey and in logical sequence ...

for the young crowd, things that have obsured meaning or can have different meaning depending on how itlooks... but be carefull not toget to many symbols.... you don't want to make the design too busy.. and remember your basically creating a icon.. so remember what makes up a icon..
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:52 am    Post subject: Theme Reply with quote

You have a great point about the creation of a theme and then the addressing of creating a Photoshop image. You see all the creations I do aren't necessarily purposely designed that way. I can create 100 of these and find out that only 3-5 actually have a symbolic meaning to ideas or things in reality. However, what I came up with as for a theme were perhaps symbols for the mark of the beast. I thought that would be a thought provoking name. However, I don't want it to look hellish. lol So just as you said by pointing out the symbols I can associate it with judgment their heads pointing away, because their ashamed. I can't really say much else, but hey if you would like to see more let me know.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Furthermore I actually like the square it fits the symbol well to me. If I change it I'm going to feel uneasy about it; however it can still represent the all seeing eye. Think of it this way. The square represents the television set and what we watch through there is the media and the media watches over things and they judge us and make us ashame of ourselves. Television deprecates humanity.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2008
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PS Version: photoshop cs5
OS: win7 pro 64 bit, i7-3.2g, GTS 450,

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the bottom line your the artist!!.. you go with what you think is best...

as far as other people opinion... you take it or leave it..

now you mentioned shame...mmm... how about some thing that resemble a tear drop? and if the box does represent a all see ing eye then a tear drop could re enforce the theme of ashame....

my self... when i do a design project i will many time sketch it on paper first.... my opinion it really much easier to get a sense of what the desgin tells me and alot easier to make changes ... then i go with computer ...

you mentioned beasts.... I didn't see anything there, at least not to me that lookslike a beast....
now it lookslike you preffer basically straight lines and angle versus curve typelines...

for symbols you might look at this search results... many symbols has a lot of symbolic meanings... also if a symbol is to artistic... you can always modify it to more of a stick type... also you may want tolook at some of the egyptian symbols, or american indian writing, or even some of the made up game writing for idea of kinds of symbols with meanings...
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:46 am    Post subject: Thanks Reply with quote

Hahaha! You're very correct on that one about the straight lines and angles. Yes I actually do prefer that and it use to be the opposite years ago, but now it's exactly just that. You are right about what you said, though and thank you for your opinions.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that in order to achieve an ancient look, the shirt color needs to be changed as well to something earthy like sand brown or another shade. Also, the added color doesn't really seem to add much to the design. I think a shirt of a lighter color with some subtle strokes that would make it look worn and old would be good to reinforce the design you made.
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