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Opinions on this being my website entrance ?
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't mean to bash my point to death, I still say, show me 5 prominent web pages with great user feedback that have landing pages. They are not called vanity pages for no reason. Find a legitimate way to convey that feel through your website.

The art work and the like I love, subtle and moody, but why a landing page? ;)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If I may weigh-in on this without causing undue controversy, but thehermit has a point here that is worth listening to and I’m sure is based on experience. On many occasions I have quickly and unmercifully bypassed many a website simply because I didn’t want to click-in to enter a website. Perhaps because of the unconscious fear of being redirected to a spammer’s quagmire or the uncertainty of what’s to come, who knows. The point is that I would bypass the site without giving it a second thought. I’m sure this is not what you want, and I’m also sure that you can find a fitting place for your slamming robot graphic within the website itself. Ultimately it’s your choice, but if it were me I would go with thehermit’s advice. Good luck!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Adopt a stray or shelter animal and save a life...and also:
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I personally think if he wants to use a landing page then so be it. It's his site and I respect that.

We manage 100's of business sites that have landing pages but we always put the nav menu on the page. Two weeks ago we had a new client come in and my husband sent him to me. One of the first things out of his mouth was..we've looked at a lot of designer sites, we've looked at a lot of web sites.

We do not want the clutter of our company history and products slammed into one or two pages. We were sent to you by one of your clients that has a clean home page and pages directly related to only what that page represents. We want this same representation for us and that's what we want, nothing more.

I've got the landing page imaging completed and called him so he could see it. He called back today and said the board was 100% in agreement for it so go with it.

I've uploaded it on one of our test sites so you can see it. Tomorrow I'll optimize and code it so it'll validate then get started on the rest of the site. I'll leave it up for a few days.

Happy Holidays everyone!!!
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

my 2 cents worth ... smiling....

there no hard rules on how one design their site... other than
you designe that first page and the site to attract the demographics of the
people your targeting and that first page needs grapb the attention the person that open the site... there a fair amount of psychology that involved in designing...!!!

most people who open a buisness site there looking for just info and prices and don't care about pretty.. smiling.. how ever certain kinds of businesses it can be much different.. such as maybe wedding photographer... now there people are going to be looking for quality of work and then prices... so a landing page that quickly displays work qualityand maybe colorfull (most buisness site are not) maybe priority and then get into the info and prices... and in fact to help along maybe even music is added... keep the visitor on the site longer...

game sites... you going to attract gamers.... and they like action and colors and even a lot of "noise" smiling.... so you design your site with that in mind...

there no hard fast rules other than you designed your site , taking into account the psychology of demographic group your trying to attract..!! what works for a sears website would not work for a music or photographer stie ...

anyway that my 2 cents
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jerryb4417 I pretty much go along with everything in your post. I also tend to disagree somewhat with the idea that people dislike going to a site with a landing page.

We work in the real world of business web design with small business to corporate companies that have one thing in common...hit the buy it button or contact us to discuss what our business can do for you.

The Smash site belongs to a corporation that is an international holding company, meaning they own a lot of small businesses and Smash is a small company they just purchased. I showed them this morning what the rest of their site will look and act like including a database, cms and shopping cart.
They were pleased with what they saw and have given us three more sites to rebuild.

I'll give you an instance of a site our oldest daughter did for one of her friends with a landing page. She and I were in her shop to order flowers for our office.. an 1800's restored barn on our property.

My daughter said you look worried Kristian. Kristian told us her business was very bad maybe due to the economy. My daughter asked her if she had a web site and she said yes. We looked at it and it was a cluttered flower shop theme. My daughter told her to meet her in her office after she closed. She told us a lot of people look at it but she has had only a few customers come in that saw her site.

They got busy giving her site an overhaul and targeting it to all the towns within a 50 mile radius of us. She now has 2 full time employees, she says probably 50% of her customers are coming from her site and their word of mouth.

She has a landing page and behind that landing page is a fast site to navigate, not cluttered and a shopping cart themed to her site.

You can take a look at it here;
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hi bunkie,
I agree with you ....

site busy.... that one of the golden rules you don't break... keep things simple and straight tothe point... you got sub pages pages for the details and getting long winded and withthegraphics.... ... smiling...

you have have 5-10 sec's to capture that viewer interests..... and if clutterd dull looking and not disriptive at the same time you have lost the viewer ......

on that example you gave.... it was interesting the title was about flower baskets but the graphics showed fruit baskets ..... smiling.....

anyway... i think highly recomended that webdesigners take a course in art..... because you learn a lot about phsycology,,, artiistic design, lighting and how toplace things to draw the attention of a viewer ... and few other things and it all applicable to website design... enough talking you have good day and merry christmas..
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Joined: 28 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

“I personally think if he wants to use a landing page then so be it. It's his site and I respect that.”

Perhaps it’s not so much about seemingly taking away his right of choice as it is about giving him/her the best possible advice. Like Jerry has alluded to, there are no hard rules as to how one can design his/her page, if it works for you then go with it. I’m confident he will make the right decision.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, those are the pics she brought my daughter and those are the ones she wanted on her new site....they do have flowers in them.

Her site is working for her and she told my daughter it seems to have saved her business so everyone is pleased and happy. Times are difficult now for many people and we're proud to have helped a friend keep going, especially a young adult with a family.

Happy Holidays everyone..may you have a blessed and safe one.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

like i said i saw that and i thought it was intereesting and the bottom line no matter what anyones says , if it works and the cutomer is happy ,that all that matter!!!!!!!!!
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Joined: 17 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with 'thehermit'. It's welcoming and well designed but I'm not so sure I would enjoy a click and a load time to get into the actual website.
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