Many people might think that it's easy to convert a print brochure to a website and vica versa, but it's not that easy at all. Things to take into consideration would be the following:
Resolution of artwork
Print resolution is generally higher than web (72dpi) and therefore images will appear much larger in 72dpi (screen) resolution. You have to ensure that you adhere to general browser restrictions.
Many nice design fonts won't work on your website except if you keep them as images. This has pros and cons. The pros are that you'll have nice looking fonts, but the cons are that search engines can't read the text and you'll be shooting yourself in the foot. It's also much harder to update images than simple HTML text.
With general HTML fonts you're limited to only a number of fonts. The reason for this is because you want to be using fonts that most users have on their computers (whether Mac or PC).
A simple brochure might not be designed to the same scale requirements to fit as a website. A lot of cropping might render the artwork useless for use on the web, so make sure you have a designer that's up to the job of taking the concept and applying it on a website design.
It's never as simple as it might seem
It's important to remember that it's never as simple as it seems to take a print concept to web, so always keep in mind that converting a print design to a website might require some advanced skills! |