Does anyone know if it's possible to re-size an object to fit a selection automatically when using the paste into command?
Some background -
We have several hundred images a day on which we need to place text on top of a blurred background. Unfortunately, the location and size of the text varies with each image.
We currently use an action that blurs the selected area, then places the text in the center of the document. We then have to move and re-size the text to fit the blurred area.
I've figured out a somewhat roundabout way of placing the text into the selection -
After drawing a box around the selection, I run an action that
-saves the selection
-places text on the document the rasterizes the text
-draws a box around the rasterized text and copies it
-deletes the new layer which contained the text
-loads the previously saved selection
-pastes the copied text into the selection
This is only slightly better than the previous method, since we still must resize the text to fit the selection, and the time saved doesn't warrant changing the workflow for the dozen or so people this affects.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. |