I am not sure what 'an action' is either, but I would suggest making a template for the borders and a brush for the sig.
First, to make a brush of your signature, open a new file any size, try to start big because drawing tablets are sometimes very finicky to write with. Or at least I find that to be the case. I would try using file size 1000 x 1000. Create a new layer (Shift-Ctrl-N). Use the brush or pencil tool (whichever you are more comfortable with) and sign anywhere in the square. Do not worry about filling it up, but try and make it straight if you want. Also, if you want it angled, don't worry about that you can alter it later.
After you are satisfied with your signature, using the rectangle marquee tool put a box around the signature, get the edges as close as you can. Then go to Image > Crop. Next go to Edit > Define Brush Preset and give it a name (like My Signature).
If you want it angled, like going from bottom to top instead, go to Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW. Then Define this as a new brush preset (such as My Sig Vertical).
Now to use those new brushes you just created, simply choose your brush, then in the options bar at the top, click on the arrow and depending on your settings there should be little thumbnails of brushes there. Drag the scrolling bar at the right down to the bottom, and the last brush options there should be your new brushes.
If you run into any complications, let me know and I will try and clarify.
Good luck. _________________ ~Melissa B
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