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New to PhotoShop, need help deciding what Version to buy.
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Wild Boys

Joined: 05 Jul 2006
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Location: UK

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:10 am    Post subject: New to PhotoShop, need help deciding what Version to buy. Reply with quote


I am quite new to PhotoShop, I got PhotoShop CS2 last year off eBay, although it is seriously flawed, I think I got ripped off and got either a pirated version or an upgrade, as from the features on it I don't see many of the things you can do on CS and 7. When it came through the post all I got was a disc and that was it, and then I had to contact the seller for a serial code. The seller was a bit dodgy anyway, advertising on the UK but based in the US.

When I installed it, the help thing didn't work, the updater didn't work, it frequently crashes, it doesn't do simple things like applying standard colour backgrounds and again a lot of features aren't there.

Because of this, I can't do cool things from which I use to get my creativity up. Even on things that are designed for PhotoShop CS2 don't work on mine because again some features are missing. And because of all this, I can't create my website that I have been wanting to. It is on Nerf guns (foam dart shooters, they are extremely fun).

Now, the question I ask is this. I have been looking into buying the full proper boxed version of either CS or 7 off eBay, and this is from verified UK sellers with actual pictures of the product which I can actually believe what I am getting. I just wondered, if I got the proper full boxed version of PhotoShop CS2 that actually worked fine and had everything right with it, then would it be able to do all the stuff you can do on PhotoShop 7 and CS? This would help me as I could get from the recommendation you give the full proper CS2 or stick with what I was thinking and get a full proper version of CS or 7.

Help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Wild Boys
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Photoshop CS2 has all the features of the earlier versions, plus some new features (smart objects, vanishing point, bridge etc etc) whether in practice you really need these tools is a matter of debate, most of these things can be done in different ways with the earlier versions.

As to your version of Photoshop I suggest you complain to e.bay and it might be worth contacting Adobe with the sellers details, I suspect they will be less than happy he's selling dodgy copies and causing bad PR for Adobe (and ripping them off for money)

I doubt you'll find a "proper" licenced version on e.bay much cheaper than the more reputable dealers, and at least with them you have some support if you have a problem.
The best way to buy photoshop cheap is to become a student, and then apply for the student discount (leagal as long as your a student) but do check out the small print, I have an idea you cant then use it if your in business. Wayne
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Wild Boys

Joined: 05 Jul 2006
Posts: 2
Location: UK

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the help.

I heard about that student thing, my mum phoned Adode up about the PhotoShop CS2 just before I got the bad version of it. I am a student and I think it was half price if you were one. I knew I should have done that now.

Oh well, I guess I have learned from that, and I guess I'll just get it from Adobe themselves. Even though some people selling it on eBay seem to be selling a proper fully boxed and unregistered version I just can't take that chance again.

I thank you for all your help once again.
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