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Unable to make a continuous layout - Mouse not precise??
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Joined: 23 May 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject: Unable to make a continuous layout - Mouse not precise?? Reply with quote

Hi ALL!!!

I get Photoshop 9.01 CS2. My CPU is AMD 2500+ running 2.4 Ghz and i get 1 Gb of RAM.

If i draw a line with a small angle, like 3 or 4 degrees, the result lookslike a STAIRCASE!! A staircase with small steps!!

I observe that Photoshop have a tendancy to make straight line so when i do my angle it does a very small staircase. You understand??

Why is that??? CPU is slow ( do not think so; runnuing 2.4 Ghz) My mouse is not precise?? Or it is normal???

I appreciate your answer!!
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Joined: 24 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 9:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Unable to make a continuous layout - Mouse not precise?? Reply with quote

sioc wrote:
Hi ALL!!!

I get Photoshop 9.01 CS2. My CPU is AMD 2500+ running 2.4 Ghz and i get 1 Gb of RAM.

If i draw a line with a small angle, like 3 or 4 degrees, the result lookslike a STAIRCASE!! A staircase with small steps!!

I observe that Photoshop have a tendancy to make straight line so when i do my angle it does a very small staircase. You understand??

Why is that??? CPU is slow ( do not think so; runnuing 2.4 Ghz) My mouse is not precise?? Or it is normal???

I appreciate your answer!!

Fitrst of all welcome to photoshop forums. We all help each other here (or try our very best to.)

Does the mouse "jerk" outside of photoshop CS2?

Have you installed and updated version of your mouse driver recently (Or at all) an updated version can be found at the manufactors website Ie: if the mouse is a microsoft one, go to and go under drivers to locate the newest driver for it. Or do a search for your mouse serail number if it is a microsoft mouse.

Have you looked at a tablet for photoshop? A tablet is like a pen and it is what pro's use for editing photos. If you are suffering from carpal tunnel symdrome a tablet will cut down on the disability. Go to for more info.

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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have a look at the resolution your working on, if it's a smallish size it can look jagged.
Photoshop is image editing package really it's not ideal for text or graphics that need smooth lines, it works mostly on whats called raster (something like a brick wall) so you have the steps in it.
The real answer for this sort of thing is a vector graphics program like illustrater, this works on whats called vector (a mathimatical way of working) and can be smooth. Photoshops pen tool works this, you could try that, and upping the resolution of your image may help. Wayne
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Joined: 16 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

swanseamale47 wrote:
Photoshop is image editing package really it's not ideal for text or graphics that need smooth lines, it works mostly on whats called raster (something like a brick wall) so you have the steps in it.

Photoshop isn't less ideal for creating smooth lines than any other program.

If you want to draw something, like you do with pen and paper, use photoshop and a mouse/tablet and work in high resolution. The difference between vector and bitmap are not how it look, but how it work. Vectors are basically made up of lines and curves, and so they are fully scale able. You can make vectors as big as you want without loosing any quality or sharpness. Bitmap graphics are made up of pixels. Squares, which all contain a color. If you scale bitmap, you'll loose information. So, the answer here is not vectors. You probably want to use bitmap to have full control.

I say your problem is normal. It's a matter of technique, but working in a higher resolution will probably help. Tablets are great too.

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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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Location: Swansea UK

PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The reason PS isn't ideal is exactly that reason! you can't always work in high res, it's great working on a 12000 x 12000 pixle image but what happens when you have to resize it for the web? you get a staircase, thats why illustrater is better at this, you can make it any size you need and still have a simple line. Wayne
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