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Newbie needs help with batch processing
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Joined: 22 Jan 2009
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:59 pm    Post subject: Newbie needs help with batch processing Reply with quote

Ok so I'm trying to do a simple animation for a college project which means i am currently dealing with a lot of images which need batch processing. Im not too familiar the actions/batch feature of PS as i normally only work on single images. However i have hit something of a brick wall and was wondering if anyone with more experience would be able to help me out.

basically i have a folder with all my frames (there's a lot) but i want to add a boarder to these fames which i figured how to do with actions (opening the second boarder file and cut and pasting them together then saving the combined image as the output) but what i would like to do, so as to give the boarder a similar animated quality, to the rest of the image is make it up of 2 or 3 different variations of the same thing (so it wobbles a little as the frames play through)

basically what i am trying to do combine 2 sets of images into one output image in sequence. as follows:


and so on

basically, is there anyway of having two source folders which work in this way.

if anyone can understand my highly untechnical explanation and thinks they may be able to help it would be much appreciated.

PS i am doing this animation with hand drawn and scanned images so recommending some alternative method of animation is not really an option. Oh and I'm currently using CS3

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