Hello All,
This is my first post here. I'm not sure if I am in right forum.
Anyway my concern is that I want to automate run of several Photomerge File (*.pmg) in Adobe Photoshop CS2 (yes, this is the old version), and save the resulting image.
Manually this is what is done:
1. On Photoshop CS2, I chose File -> Automate -> Photomerge, a window will appear.
2. I check open composition (PMG file of previously arranged images) and choose the PMG file. After OK, the images will begin to be loading and placed in photomerge window.
3. I click Ok, Photoshop will start merging.
4. An unsave image will be left open after merging, this I save manually as JPG image.
5. Close image
6. Restart steps 1 to 5 for another PMG file..
Now, I want to know if these task can be automated via scripting, can it?
I tried to do this using record action, unfortunately the recording is incomplete.
It just open the photomerge window, but the selection of PMG file and run photomerge is not recorded. So I thought maybe it can be dione by scripting.
But I do not know how to make script in Photoshop. I can only do Excel VBA.
Help please? Thanks. |