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Looking on to hire someone with leet photoshop $keelz.. Read
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magical hobo

Joined: 16 Feb 2013
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 5:41 pm    Post subject: Looking on to hire someone with leet photoshop $keelz.. Read Reply with quote

To land right on impact of this next few words, I am a generous human being n will gladly pay for your services through Pay Pal(or other depending on the company) and your art viewed by the 100s and eventually up to the 1000s in the future time from my location of the derp d'derp bonita.

So 1 full page flyer, and 2 half size n square.. This is strictly professional for my upcoming gaming, internet, movie lounge. But you know the nerd in me has to put some retro nerd funk in all of it meheh.

Upon the opening of this chillounge has to be 2-3 months giver take.. A rough draft would be splended if it is possible in the next couple days, on my request shall be much obliged. I Would like to get str8 to the point n make something with your awesome-sauce than not to be dragged on.
Whoever the persons I like, will have future projekts with me.

[COLOR="#EE82EE"]Projekt Maya3030:[/COLOR]

The border should be(8.5x11 full page of printer paper) of Mayan Calender or/and artifacts.. Something Mayan related(true). The rest has to be Mayan related with Video game and Anime character related with nerdy phrases like (all your base belong to us or the cake is a lie)...If you don't call your self a nerd, plz take no part in this.[/COLOR]

So if you can get something fixed up with this description w00t w00t to you my nuevo amigo.. I prefer you to be skeeld with CCS that knows most of the program. Due to the fact this is for my bussiness and I must have it as sexy as possible. xD

PS: Must be very colorful and bright and awesome. Thank you,,,,,

Some of the Character list...

Alucard and Police Girl from Hellsing Ultimate~
SSJ Goku and SSJ Vegeta fighting very small near the Tikal Temples...(Will explain much more later)
Master Chief
Marcus Fenix
Gordon Freeman
Ninja Turtle 8-Bit
Worms Cool
8-Bit will take a part in the final projekt..

I am sure I have left something important out.. post questions
Hope to hear from you soon Hasta Luego..
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