Printers print in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black), while monitors present colors in RGB (red, green, blue). Printing is 'normally' done on a white base, while monitor presentations start with a black base.
I recommend converting your picture to CMYK before printing. When you do this, you will notice a slight change in color (some of your original color settings will change, because the initial colors you chose cannot be effectively recreated with the CMYK color base). However, it will still not be true color, in that CMYK is still being presented on your screen within the limits of RGB color variations. In any event, you'll have something 'closer' to what will eventually be the final print and you can adjust the colors slightly here and there, to make it closer to what you want.
Another thing. Don't waste your time and energy doing graphic arts on a flat panel monitor. Depending on the angle at which you are looking at those monitors, your hues and contrasts can vary substantially. Stick with standard monitors.
Also, if you intend to print, you should print with no less than 200dpi, preferably 300dpi. Anything more than that and the printer isn't going to be able to take advantage of it (unless it's a photo printer... which i'm not too familiar with). Anything less, and your print quality will begin to decrease. With your 150dpi, you probably won't notice any difference.
Hope this helps. |