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How do I make a picture bigger without it being blury?
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Joined: 30 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:16 pm    Post subject: How do I make a picture bigger without it being blury? Reply with quote

I'm new to photoshop and need some help to fix this.

My girlfriend sent me a picture of our daugher from her cell phone to my cell phone.

I sent it to my email, saved it to my computer and it was really small.

The picture size is 96 x 128

I tried to enlarge the photo useing photoshop but it was so blury I could barely make it out.

How can I enlarge a picture without it being blury?
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well first the bad news, theres a limit to how much you can enlarge an image without loosing the quality too much, sadly most cell phones don't have very good cameras, although the newer ones are very much better.

Now the slightly better news (sorry there isn't and good news) there are some software programs that "claim" to be able to enlarge without much loss of quality, my experience is none seem really any better than photoshop, so save your money (unless you have shedfulls)

Some people say that enlarging in small steps, say 10% at a time produces better results than enlarging all in one go.

If you post the pic, I'll try a few different things for you (and I'm sure others will help too) but your best bet is to hope your wifes phone takes a decent quality image but sends a low res version for MMS (my phone does that) so you may be lucky and get the "big" version off her phone. Wayne
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I already saved it after I enlarged it. So it's blury.

My gf still has the pic on her phone, but she's has no time left on her phone. Soon as she gets more minutes I can have her resend it to me.

Is there any way I can remove the bluryness from the picture?
(That was another question I had anyways)

Cause I sometimes use my webcam to take pictures when the camera is full, and most of them turn out blury.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is software called Focus magic (I have it) it works up to a point, it's really ment for out of focus shots, it may or may not help, if you want to post the pic here, I'll happily give it go for you, also Neat Image may help if it's got a lot of "noise" but without seeing the pic it's hard to tell.

Your G/F doesnt need money on her phone to get the photo off it to a PC, many phones will connect to the PC with IR or bluetooth, or sometimes with a usb cable (mine for example) check the make of phone and get the software for it, most come with the phone, but if not you can usually download it for free from the phone makers website, Nokia for example offer a very good range of free software for their phones.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

swanseamale47 wrote:
There is software called Focus magic (I have it) it works up to a point, it's really ment for out of focus shots, it may or may not help, if you want to post the pic here, I'll happily give it go for you, also Neat Image may help if it's got a lot of "noise" but without seeing the pic it's hard to tell.

Your G/F doesnt need money on her phone to get the photo off it to a PC, many phones will connect to the PC with IR or bluetooth, or sometimes with a usb cable (mine for example) check the make of phone and get the software for it, most come with the phone, but if not you can usually download it for free from the phone makers website, Nokia for example offer a very good range of free software for their phones.

In other words, you can't blow up a photo from ANY camera phone period because a camera phone only holds about 1 MP and you need to have a 3 MP camera phone to blow something up to 5X7. In reality it hasn't happend YET! Think back to your grade 9 or 10 science classes - in realation to soild, liquid, and gasses and from there you maybe able to figure out why you can not blow up a photo from a 1 MP camera phone and you need AT LEAST a 3 MP camera to blow up a photo to a good quality 5X7.

Also a camera phone is set to 72 DPI (Dots per inch) because you are only viewing the photo on the screen. and to print out a photo to normal quality you need 300 DPI.

TRUST ME I am right about this. i may not have explained this to you very well.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps I didn't explain very well, when camera phones "send" the pic to another phone it sends a small pic to save badwidth for want of a better term, but the phones are capable of half decent photos (at least the newer ones are) so it's possible that a better quality version is on her phone, some phones do this, some don't. my Sony give the option. Wayne

The pic here is honestly off my camera phone (a sony ericson K700i) it has been turned to B+W and lightly sharpend in ps, and save for web option to get under the 200kb max file size (so it's lost a little quality, but not much)

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice camera-phone-picture!! Wow, they really are getting better.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes they have come a long way, I hear theres a 5MP camera phone around in Japan (mines a 2MP) so that should be serious quality. I was amazed at the jump from my old Nokia (not the newer models I add) which was about 640/480, the newer ones are probably a match in quality to this or maybe better.
At least it usable quality if your out and about without a "real" camera, as my shot above of the Brecon canal shows.
Heres the finished tri toned version. Wayne

DSC00113 copy coloured copy.jpg
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DSC00113 copy  coloured  copy.jpg

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeez Louise, I had no idea camera phones had a high res option! Nice pic Wayne.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok, I had her send me another picture and same thing... it's small and blury when i enlarge it. I'll post up the pic:

(I'd like to learn how to do this on my own, so If anyone can fix this (make it big /not blury) could you tell me how you did it?

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