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Editing Text
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Joined: 09 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:48 am    Post subject: Editing Text Reply with quote

The image is basically a scanned copy of a letter. The image is in JPEG format and the size is around 200kb.
Now I want to edit the image(the scanned letter). I only want to edit the content of the letter yani the text of the letter.
Specifically speaking I want to add some text in the image. The text has to be in the same font, size etc etc so that it does not looks like it has been editied.

Can anyone of you guys helpme out how to do this?
Do I need Photoshop?(I alreadyhave installed photoshop 7)

Using Photoshop I have managed to inout the additional text I needed using the same font and font size but the problem I am facing is that the text which I input using Photoshop is black in color while the text on the image is dull and grayish(it was actually black in the original copy)
How can I make the edited text look the same way?

Also tell me how to tilt the added text a few degrees
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Joined: 08 Jun 2006
Posts: 36
Location: UK

PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


You can use several methods to change the text color to make it match the original.

You could try lowering the text layer opacity to match or, probably a better option, would be to activate your new text layer and in the text options bar click the color square and then move your cursor over the original text (the cursor will change to the eye dropper tool) and click on a letter. This will change your new text to the color of the scan.

To tilt the text, make sure your text layer is active and hit Ctrl+T to put a bounding box around the text then put your cursor over the top left corner, hold down the Ctrl key and drag the font over.

Of course, depending on how authentic you need it to look to get those free shares - just kidding - you may have to introduce some imperfections into your new text as well.


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