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Web page templates and how to save them properly
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Shadow Wizard

Joined: 06 Jul 2011
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:02 am    Post subject: Web page templates and how to save them properly Reply with quote

I have been playing a bit with web templates, and I honestly can't figure them out. I have been playing with one in particular, I have provided a link below, it of course includes the PSD file, and it appears to be already sliced up, but does not save that way. I have to save it for web and devices, but I get a single picture, uneditable text, no links. Basically an HTML web page that says "Display this jpg image" and a jpg image. I have figured out how to slice it up myself, however it appears as though I have to do it all manually, drawing each box myself. This will result in either ALLOT of work making sure that each box is perfectly aligned with the one before it, or uneven slices.
I am obviously doing something wrong. Can someone walk be through it, or point me to a tutorial that DOES NOT ASSUME I know anything. I hate tutorials that say, "Now simply open <insert whatever> box, and click okay." The tutorial assumes I know how to open the <insert whatever> box. Then I end up needing to search for information on where that box is and how to open it, and at times even need to come to forums to ask where something is so I can follow a tutorial!
In any event, here is the link to the page it is on.
It is called "Night Club Template," Is the bottom right template, and is green.
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