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Seeking artist for video Game Art
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Joined: 28 Sep 2009
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:55 pm    Post subject: Seeking artist for video Game Art Reply with quote

Hello Im am the owner of a video game were making called Battle of the Ages by UOK Gamers LLc. we our in need of good photoshop artist. Payment can be one of two things. Cash or full copy of the game upon completetion. You decide. If your interested please email me or visit our web site

thank you

Edit sorry thats a little vage. Ok the current game you will be making art for is called Battle of the Ages. Heres the games concept to help you with art ideas.

The games has 5 Acts. Act 1 eygtion Act 2: Medievil based Act 3 Civil war/western Act4 WW1 and WW2 Act 5 modern day

Now the acts all simulate histroic battles in a FPS setting. In other words a first person shooter. Now what I need mostly is interesting themed pics for the loading screens.Each act will have its own theme for loading, spalsh etc. Players will also be able to pick and choose which acts or act they want to play.

Art Desciption:
I have a idea for each act what I would like but keep in mind all art must be orginal as well. I have to be able to copyright any images you submit for the project legally. So no cropping stuff from another image.

Act 1-Im thinking a sexy Egytion women with gold border like a ivy on the edges of the screen. background could be something like pyrmid walls or something

Act 2-Since the medievil ages were bloody and all around bad time to be alive. Lets go with a knight in battle half way through sliceing someones head off. Lots of gore here guys. An lots of blood.

Act 3-You can one of two angles on this one. A civil war battle pic. Or a nice western themed pic. You decide

Act 4-I really want to focus on the hardship of these wars. Alot happened at this time period. the most intersting could be a concentration camp. Or a army guy in a trench filled with agas and slowly dieing. Something real dramatic.

Act 5- I want the twin towers on fire. Simply put. This was the most histroic molment for all of us durning our mondern day. An it started all the simulated battles in game.
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