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Joined: 14 Feb 2003
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Location: Harbinger, NC, U.S.A.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:15 am    Post subject: Celebrates 10 Years Online! Reply with quote


Thank you for visiting

Today marks 10 years since the launch of this community. That's just an incredible passage of time and it is hard to put into context.

What is special to me about this community is how people treat one another. That is the standard by which this community was founded and it is the standard by which individual members are most highly valued. It's not about being an expert in Photoshop. It is about expertise in the mind of someone who can share it kindly.

That's what this community is about. It's not about numbers or activity, it's about that culture. You are a part of that culture and a part of what makes this community great. Thank you. Thank you for helping to make this community what it is.

I'd like to thank everyone individually, but that just isn't possible. However, even with that in mind, I'd like to mention some names, with the understanding that this is not an all-inclusive list.

Thank you Matt Whiting (mattyboy777), Mike (thehermit), Mr. Hawkins (hawkeye), Steve (Auieos), Bryan Downing (BryanDowning), swanseamale47, cyborg, lasa, cbadland, witam, Gallo_Pinto, moondog, Haunus, jerryb4417, Lee (seaco), Datameister, teddc, TiDaL, <aazumak>, renata, vel, stevealmighty, Moi, darklite, jiteye, Netaddict, Chris (AgfaD2), Shadow™, Iain, Brandon Eley (beley), Jonathan (Cloudless_Creative), SSO, Rarity, Sherice Jacob (Sparkie), Chrispian Burks (Crowe), Stephan Segraves (Hartmann) and Rachel Luxemburg.

Thank you to everyone who has ever served as a member of my staff, helping to maintain and protect the environment that this community is known for. Specifically, I would like to thank Matt (mattyboy777) and Bryan (BryanDowning) for their tremendous contributions to this community. I am grateful for the time that you spent on my team and for your support over the years.

Similarly, I'd like to recognize Matt, Bryan, Mike (thehermit) and Steve (Auieos) for consistently helping people through this community in a kind, helpful manner over a long period of time. The assistance that they have provided to tens of thousands of people exemplifies what this community is all about. When you think about the number of people their posts have probably helped, you realize what big an impact that one person can have. Many others have provided the same level of great assistance to other members, but I mention these 4 because of the long period of time over which they did it and have done it. It is amazing.

One other note on Mike (thehermit), he is the 34th person to register on this community. However, I let some people in pre-launch to help get it going. Since launch day, he is actually the 21st person to register. He registered on March 5, 2003 - 2 days after we launched. He has literally had his account for all but 2 days of the last 10 years. That is astonishing. To have someone who is still here, contributing actively, this whole time... it is amazing. Thank you for your long term commitment, Mike.

Thank you to Adam Polselli (Adam P.) for the great design that we have used for all of this 10 years. It is a testament to your skills and understanding of the principles of design that we have been able to use it for this long.

In all, thank you to everyone who has ever supported this community. I appreciate it.

With my thoughts out of the way, I'd encourage you to share your thoughts in a special subforum that I have created to celebrate this milestone. 10th Anniversary Celebration forum

This is the place to reminisce over the last 10 years and share your memories. :) If you'd like to start a new thread related to the 10th anniversary of our launch to share your thoughts, ask a question or something else, please do so. In addition, there are some threads and conversations I'd love for you to respond to. Please join in!

Furthermore, in this forum, I'll be publishing submissions from members who wanted to share a visual representation of what means to them. Please feel free to submit your own!

I think that is everything. :)

Thank you for reading this and for supporting



Patrick O'Keefe - Administrator
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Joined: 24 Sep 2007
Posts: 3515
Location: Haverhill, UK
PS Version: Lightroom 5, CS4 & Elements 11
OS: Windows 8.1

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Patrick,

Congratulations to you and everyone else involved in the community. It's been an honour being involved, and a joy to watch the site grow and grow.

I look forward to being involved in the next 10!



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Joined: 24 Sep 2007
Posts: 3515
Location: Haverhill, UK
PS Version: Lightroom 5, CS4 & Elements 11
OS: Windows 8.1

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

PS thanks for your kind words, Patrick.
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