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A collage of our dogs, for my wife
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Joined: 18 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:28 pm    Post subject: A collage of our dogs, for my wife Reply with quote

G'day all :-)

I have downloaded CS6 (1,1GB, took me 2 days, on this slow slow slow internet ) and installed it. It is very clear to me that you need advanced education in this area, and I don't have that and it will take me months to become a beginner in the first place (I have read some tutorials on the web, only to realize that they already assume so much basic knowledge that it would be an extremely long process for me to learn myself even to be able to do something extremely simple. And simple it is, probably a matter of minutes for all the Photoshop gurus.

Wat I want is collage of all our dogs, as a present for my wife to set as the startup image when she boots on her PC. The background is this:

-We have had Rottweilers since 1985. We simply adore this breed (so intelligent, so sweet, so brave, such babies with a big mouth; don't get me started on how great they are:-) ), I have trained them for our military (special forces over here use Rottweilers), I have saved many Rottweilers an ugly death in the animal shelter by adopting them, and I have even travelled to many countries at my own expense (me in my old diesel :-)) to assist people who needed a problematic Rottweiler to be retrained. Retraining always was: training them to become big cuddly bears who only care about watching TV, eating food and giving 'mommy kisses (so, get rid of the aggression and wrong behavior). Yes, I think I can say that aside from my wife, Rottweilers are the love of my life :-)
-Of course, over the years, many of them have died from old age (and, unfortunately, many also from cancer. The horrors).
-Of all these dogs, my wife has had two 'great loves'; her first puppy, back in '85, who died at the age of 11, and now, our oldest boy, who is 11,5 years old and has terminal cancer (he has had surgery where the university removed a part of his anus, yet still, it has spreaded to his lungs and is no longer treatable). She is looking extremely up again his soon to be departure to the rainbow bridge; it causes her a lot of stress, bad eating and sleeping, and nervosity; she is scared to loose her second big love.

What I wanted to make for her but can not do due to the learning curve of Photoshop, and hence turn to you for now, is a collage of all our dogs. I was thinking along the lines of having both her greatest loves in the middle, and all the other Rottweilers in a circle around that. I have attached a simple sketch made in W7/Paint to illustrate what I mean. Now, I have many pictures, but of course backgrounds and colors differ from photo to photo. It would be nice if the colors would 'flow' in to eachother, so it really looks nice.

I have no clue what I should pay for this. I am hoping somebody wants to help me out because I really want to do my wife that favor; I am sure that it will make her very happy to see all her boys and girls in a nice collage. I understand that nothing is for free in life, so that I will have to pay for it. I am by no means rich, I will pay for it from my savings, and I am hoping this could be done for a fair price.

I am looking forward to your reply,

Thank you very much in advance,

Bye Big Grin

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Joined: 10 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I could definitely do this for you! Send me an email at so I can get more details, as well as the pictures of the dogs. This is a sweet thing to do for your wife :)
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Joined: 18 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hannahseddon37 wrote:
I could definitely do this for you! Send me an email at so I can get more details, as well as the pictures of the dogs. This is a sweet thing to do for your wife :)

Thank you very much for your kind reply :-)

I have tricked my wife into going through our complete photo collection telling her I'd want to have some pictures in a nice wooden racket on our walls. That way I know for sure the collage will be what she thinks are the most beautiful pictures, and not me. I will get back to you once she is has selected the pics, ok?

Thanks again for your kind offer to help me out Angel
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Joined: 26 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will also be able to help, if it should happen that Hannah won't/can't do it.
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