Hey there,
Long time photoshopper, currently devastated computer owner. I have found myself in a bit of a dilemna and here's the scoop:
So I perform music live and have recently signed up to be looked at by various promoters/managers, although unfortunately I need some form of press kit with logos or else they wont help me.
This is something I no longer have the means to create, my harddrive recently kicked the can (im typing this from an internet cafe) and to future shop's knowledge they are unable to retrieve my data. So all my tools (including photoshop, press kit photos and designs) have disappeared into the abyss that is the trash cash.
I was wondering if any of you lovely forum contributors would like to take on a project in aid of a fellow artist. What I need is a picture that has my artist name, "Skin The Beast" with my face anywhere on the project, (I have attached the only headshot I have of myself from my facebook account).
All credit will be given to the artist(s) (i'll put website links too if you'd like)
any help is VERY appreciated, the photo may go to be an album cover aswell seeing as how that's part of the kit. Which will be printed and distributed! |