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Newbie needing help with a transparent PNG/color mod
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Missing Person

Joined: 02 Aug 2010
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:27 pm    Post subject: Newbie needing help with a transparent PNG/color mod Reply with quote

I have been working on a larger scale project for a little while, however, I ran across one image that gave me trouble.

I was trying to remove that background from this picture, leaving only the person. But I would always zoom out and she would look off because I would manage to always remove sections of her body.

I asked someone at another forum to try his hand at it, and he sent me the picture back in about an hour. I was half asleep when I first saw it, approved, and then when I woke up the next morning to add this into my project, I zoomed in to find he barely cleaned up the edges around the body and there are still stray grey and white spots in the image, like he just used the magic wand and called it a day.

So I'm not going back to that forum to ask for help, if I asked him to finish the job, I don't think he could, if that's what he considered removing the background, I don't think he would have the steady hand to finish the job, and not a lot of photoshoppers frequent that forum lately.

So I was hoping that someone here could finish what he started for me:

What I am needing - This photo with the background fully removed (Which would result in cleaning up the white spots that he left randomly and the edges around her body. When this is finished, I would like this picture as is. After you have saved that, I would like a color mod so that the only color showing in the picture is the green on her scarf and shirt; everything else would be greyscale.

So I want two pictures, one of full color, and the other with greyscale except for the green in the picture.

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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Location: Cheltenham, UK

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any particular reason why there is no source file for us to work on? I presume the last forum member had access to it?

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Missing Person

Joined: 02 Aug 2010
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, sure, I can provide that. I figured I give you guys the partial work and save some time, but I can provide the original:

And thanks for the welcome!
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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Location: Cheltenham, UK

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can see why your previous person had difficulty, as far as I can see it needs a combination of three different masking techniques (imo). It's not an easy job because of the varying focus and not least the light sources/points are all messed up, if you want the image on a dark background it would make no sense in context. If you wanted it on a white background, your previous designer could be forgiven for their slapdash approach.

Long and short of it is, it's a tough job, more than an hour (again imo) and as the Dragons Den would say "I'm out"

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