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Paintball Jersey and Possibly logo design
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Joined: 28 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:32 pm    Post subject: Paintball Jersey and Possibly logo design Reply with quote

So, I'm not sure how well this will go over but, I though it would be worth a shot. The team i play for , Owen Sound Distortion, are looking into ordering custom jerseys for the season. Unfortunately, none of us are particularly skilled at photoshop. At least, not enough to create something we can all be proud to wear. Essentially I/we are looking for someone to design a jersey for us, and possibly a logo, which is to be decided.

This is the company we are ordering from.
You can see examples of their work on the right, which are very appealing, at least to my eye. One of my favourites is the third one down, Escondido Aftermath, i absolutely love that jersey.

As for what we're looking for, I wish I could give you a difinitive answer, though unforunately i cannot at this point in time. Our complete list of sponsors is yet to be decided, and I personally do not have any of their logos for use, but I will shortly. However, the design of the actual jersey is more important, logos can be more or less slapped on later.

Here are league designed jerseys from the past season to give you a rough idea of what some are like.

the toronto rage, kingston criminal factory, and oshawa fury jerseys were some of the better ones to me, if that helps at all...We're not looking to replicate these jersies, just using them as a resource, and a good one at that.

For our jersies, at this point in time, the team colour are, and i must add TENTATIVELY, pruple black and white. black/grey. Its hard to see, but our current logo is in the centre of this.
and my random 5 minute logo that i came up with, which emulates a pro team's, is here.

Essentially what this all means is that the project will be ongoing with plenty of feedback, if you're up to the task. As for compensation, we are only poor teenagers hoping for a charitable soul to do this for free, though realistically the chances of this are slim. To be perfectly honest, we can't afford overly expensive.

To sum it up, if you made it this far through my jumbled mess of a thread post, and care to give us a hand, please let me know!
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
Posts: 3987
Location: Cheltenham, UK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It may help some designers to know the format and specs. of designing for shirts etc. , they will know print specs., but individual printers all have different requirements.

As for charitable souls? Place is full of them!!

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