Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:48 pm Post subject: Four things that bug me to no end... plz help =)
I'm using PS CS3.
Please contribute if you know any solutions....
1) Is there a keyboard shortcut to rename the highlighted layer? Actions won't work on this, it doesnt register the renaming part.
2) Quickest way to get horizontally and vertically centered guides? In older PS versions I was able to snap a guide to the center of the background, but PS CS3 won't let me. The guides won't even snap to a duplicated background (however, if I then scale down that layer with Alt / Opt, the snapping will work).
What a hassle, just to get some 50% guides. I also created an Action that places 50% guides, but that action won't work for other different-sized files. So... a useless action.
3) PS CS3's default mode won't let me move the canvas around with spacebar&drag when zoomed out past 100%. If I push "F" once, it fixes the problem. However, that then causes another problem: "F" removes the % that tells you what zoom you're at -- from the very top AND bottom left info bars. So I have no clue what zoom percentage I'm at. And I hate the Navigator window taking up vital space, so don't suggest it. =) So, I want to be able to move the canvas around freely when zoomed out, while knowing what zoom percentage I'm at.
4) How do I get rid of the word "copy" that is added by default when I duplicate a layer? This really sucks when you copy a group of groups of groups and have to tidy up all the layer names for a client....
Now I have a tip. Some of you probably already know it, but I was so overjoyed when I learned that I have to share it with you:
For PC, to merge visible layers into a new rasterized layer (!!), use Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E.
Cmd + Opt + Shift + E must work on an apple....
Cool huh!! Now you pros answer some of my questions... Thnx. =)
You can solve the layer duplication issue with scripting, and by hotkeying a script to duplicate the layer and name it in the manner of your choice. I don't know the specifics of that, but the scripting guide that comes with Photoshop is extremely useful.
You can solve the layer duplication issue with scripting, and by hotkeying a script to duplicate the layer and name it in the manner of your choice. I don't know the specifics of that, but the scripting guide that comes with Photoshop is extremely useful.
Hmmm, you're right, that's a great guide. Looks like learning will be a bigger project for a rainy day (okay, probably a 10' snow storm).
I was kind of hoping for some quick fixes from someone more knowledgeable than me.... anyone? Am I the only one with these problems? How does everyone get around them?
I'd like to add another:
5) Any way to toggle "Show Transform Controls" via keyboard?
Joined: 24 Sep 2007
Posts: 3515
Location: Haverhill, UK PS Version: Lightroom 5, CS4 & Elements 11 OS: Windows 8.1
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:04 pm Post subject:
Hey broadsighted,
Here's my thoughts on your questions-
1. I'd suggest you create a custom keyboard shortcut for this task. Sadly you can't allocate one to the 'layer rename' function, but you can the 'layer properties' function - and basically gets you the same results!
2. Press CTRL T to enter transform mode, that gives you a centre origin to snap your guides to. If you want to create an action for this purpose, make sure you switch your measurements to percentages while recording the action.
3. I'd suggest another custom keyboard shortcut, this time to activate the info palette. You'll then have one shortcut for opening it, whilst pressing it again will close it. A toggle if you will.
4. Not sure you can to be honest. I'll give it some more though, but scripting may be the answer here.
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