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startup charity needs logo...plz help
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:55 pm    Post subject: startup charity needs logo...plz help Reply with quote

Hey everyone!
I'm trying to start a charity called Coin Cure where we try to use pocket change to make a big impact for cancer research, children's hospitals, whatever.
I found someone to do a website, but now they need a logo and I seriously lack creative talent. I tried to make a logo on my own, and you can see it (it's lame) at What I would LIKE is for the old logo to look like it was on a silver coin with a halo above it and the words "make change" below it. I'm sorry, we have no money, no sponsors, or anything yet, just thought it might be fun for some of you out there to play with it and maybe it'll be our official website/merchandise logo for the whole world to see. Angel

if you want, you can go a completely different route and start from scratch...I'm pretty desperate for anything about now...
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is this what you had in mind? I made it large (I make everything large because you can always resize smaller...can't always resize larger) so resize it to your liking.

I could also make you little buttons that look like coins...With email, contacts, contribute etc on them.

Let me know if you'd like me to make these as well Big Grin

Melanie Ward
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I forgot the halo...Here you go...

Melanie Ward
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

it's nice to get some help from a fellow Kansan! I just noticed you're from Wichita...I live in KC right now. I should have clarified a little better, but I pictured a halo above the whole coin. After seeing the coin you made, I don't know if a halo will make it better or worse, but I originally pictured a silver coin w/ gold or silver halo. In case I'm starting to sound annoying and/or demanding, I'll flatter you by saying that of the 4 logos I've had people make, yours is now at the top of the list.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know how good thats going to look...The halo above the coin....But what if the halo encircles the 2 CC's at the top????
And how cool is that you live in KC! My husband go up there for long weekends all of the time.....We just LOVE Minsky's Pizza...It's the best outside of New York or Chicago!

Melanie Ward
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is such a small wife and I were trying to think of different places to go, and she said she'd heard good things about Minsky's. We ended up eating Mexican (as usual), but we'll give Minsky's a try next time. btw, Don Chilito's on Johnson drive is our favorite chips and salsa and sopapilla's (sp?) and excellent Margaritas.
ANYWAY...I just thought a coin with a halo above it would make it easy for people to understand the concept, but I can see where you're coming might come off a little cheesy. I was surprised to see that someone could make it look so much like a real coin. We plan to have coins made for individual charities/events, and sell them in limited numbers to raise money. I didn't think about it till now, but this would be perfect to send to the minting company to have on one side of the coin.
I feel like a halo above the C's might look too cluttered on that part of the coin...maybe we could work on something for the bottom right corner since that's mostly blank? what about a hand holding a heart...I found this link through google images... of course, there would be a heart instead of grass or weeds or whatever that stuff in the hand was.
If nothing else, "2008" would look good, or some variable text for different occasions. Having said all of this, it's 1:30 in the morning and my mental capacity diminishes rapidly after midnight, so I won't mind you being honest if this would just mess up the original logo. also, you've done more than I expected anyone to do, so leaving it AS IS is definitely an option too.

I feel like I've rambled on enough so I'll just say thanks again and enjoy this nice warm weather Mad Cool
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't heard of Don Chilito's. Maybe next time we're in town we'll try it! Our other favorite places are the cheescake factory on the plaza and houstons on the plaza as well. I know the plaza is hella expensive...but we just adore that part of town and usually choose a hotel in that vacinity...I just love the night lights of the plaza especially around christmas time:D

About making the coin look so realistic...LOL it wasn't easy...but once I started I was determined to finish it! So, I am really glad you like it.
I'll give your idea some thought and will probably have something for you tomorrow sometime. Yes, I agree that the bottom right hand side does look a bit blank. I do like your idea about putting the year on it somewhere. Maybe an established 2008? I don't know.....Anyway, when I have something I'll let you know Big Grin

Your neighbor

Melanie Ward
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey I had an idea...I sized it down to make sure that the hands are easily seen. Let me know what you think....

Melanie Ward
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another version...

Melanie Ward
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, I've been slow lately too because my computer is acting up. You're gonna hate me, but I think my favorite one is the original one with no halos at all. In the spirit of simplicity, let's just put Est. 2008 right in the middle of the blank spot and call it good. Like "Est." on one line and "2008" on the next line.
I know you aren't crazy about the halo above the coin, but for some reason I still think it could work. If you want a teaser for the website, you can look at the first draft at . and yes, I drew the older, lamer logo in "paint". lol

I don't know how it would look, but my wife suggested having a gold coin flat above the logo coin, and adding a glowing effect like a gold halo. Anyway, thanks again, and hopefully the home page will be updated with new text and YOUR logo by next Friday!

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