BlkWdoW SS
Joined: 12 Dec 2006
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:17 pm Post subject: Need help with a sig picture please |
Hello all, I was wondering if someone can make me a sig picture with my car. I do know how to use photoshop, been using the program for years now.. Only problem is im far far away from my desktop computer that has the program. Currently im using my labtop and I have not had the pleasure of installing the program into this computer. I have tons of pictures. I just need something that will go good with my car. Im sick of having a ugly sig picture or none at all. So if you think you can help me id reallly appricate it. Here are links to pictures of my car...
Theres plenty of pictures on both those sites, If possible please only use the pictures with the black rims. As the chrome rims are no longer on the car. If there is anything eles I can get you to help you with this project please let me know. Please get as creative as possible.. Thanks again.. |