I'm sure many of us have fancied an "arty" border for a photo at some time, but could not find one when we wanted it. Here's an easy way to make one for yourself.
Step 1. Open a file/new A4 (or whatever size you need) white background with 300ppi.
Step 2. Either use the guides or rulers to work out the rough size opening you need for your photo (or guess it like me) and using the rectangle tool, drag out a box filling a fair bit of the space (that's where your photo will go later) and fill it with black then deselect (see picture one below).
Step 3. Now, using the rectanglar marquee tool, drag another box, this time a bit outside the black rectangle. Next, with the subtract from selection selected on the top tool bar, draw another box. This time, it should be inside the black rectangle with the idea being to only have the black/white join selected (see picture two below).
Step 4. Now, that you have your selection, try the different filters such as brush stroke/sprayed strokes. But, try different ones and play around with the sliders until you are happy. After that, click OK and deselect (see picture three below).
Step 5. Drag your photo onto the art background you have made, holding down shift and, with the move tool, drag the corners until it's over the black area and double click on it to resize. Now the magic bit: on the layers palette, click the top layer (your photo) and change the blend mode to screen. Bingo! There's the art border around your picture. You can still use the move tool to re-size and move it around.
All thats left is to add your name with the text tool, if you want (see picture four below).
Wayne |