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T-shirtdesign on commission
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Joined: 30 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:32 pm    Post subject: T-shirtdesign on commission Reply with quote

Dear Artist/Designer,

Please take a look at and consider the offer below

The offer
An opportunity to showcase and sell your work as T-shirt designs on a new UK website. The website will sell a large number and a wide range of designs in categories including, ‘Design, Funny, Political, Retro, Music, TV and Film, Cute’ and others. One of the features of the website is that it invites submissions from viewers of the site. It is our hope to create an online community of artists and customers who,
 are interested in each others work
 share ideas, commentary, biographical info and perhaps tutorial info via website feedback and a members newsletter.

Being one of the first artist/designers to be approached you are in a position to shape the style and content of the site and to develop an online identity associated with your designs. Once we start to receive submissions from a wider audience, it is likely that it will become more difficult to achieve this. We are looking to launch the site in August and would appreciate your first submissions in the next two weeks.

We intend to charge between £12.99 and £18.99 for shirts and will pay artists 15% of the selling price. This is rounded up to £2.00 on a new £12.99 shirt. Commission will be paid on a monthly basis for the total number of shirts sold.

Artist will now receive a free shirt following the first five sales. This allows artist to buy their own designs if they wish and to receive 6 shirts for less than the price of 5. If the shirt isn’t commercially viable we will still have covered our set-up, printing and commission costs. Designs that do not sell will not be printed and no money will be paid for designs that do not sell. Artists can withdraw permission for designs to be printed but we reserve the right to sell designs that have already been printed.

We hope to develop a high level of trust and familiarity with regular contributors and will be open with our sales information. Remember this is a start-up venture and sales may take a while to build. We would encourage contributors to publicise and link to the site from their own websites and to use our site to publicise their own work.

Submissions guide
To get an idea of the sort of designs we are hoping for, take a look at the American site This is an excellent website that offers designers the chance to enter a competition for prize money and prints only a limited number of winning designs. Designers also get feedback and votes on their designs. We would like to offer a larger number of designs for sale and allow the customers to vote with their money!

Most designs should be a single breast, chest or back motif but we can consider variations as long as they can be printed. We would rather see work in what you feel is your unique style than provide too many parameters.

If you submit a design we will evaluate it and if necessary advise you regarding its printability using our 5 colour screen print, transfer method. We will not evaluate the designs on their artistic merit as we believe this is a job best done by our customers.

Please follow these guidelines when submitting designs:
We prefer designs in vector based programs such as Illustrator, Flash or Freehand as these are easier to manipulate and resize without loss of quality. Bitmap designs need to be actual size and preferably <200dpi. Large images must be 600 pixels wide by 500 pixels tall. If you are scanning original artwork, it needs to be actual print size (Max Width 9 x Hight 12 inches). Designs need to have 5 or less separate colours (black and white are counted as colours), no gradients, photographs, very fine lines or tiny halftones. If you have artwork that you are unsure about feel free to send us the file and we will give you feedback.

We hope you find this offer interesting and attractive and eagerly look forward to your submissions!

Mike Hostick
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Jersey Hacker

Joined: 08 Jun 2005
Posts: 864
Location: Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am very interested in this offer, and would like to take it up!

If i would like to make a submission do i have to just email it to you, or do i have to email you a submission form or something?


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Joined: 30 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, hopefully you will be happy to trust sending us your work as an email attachment. Alternatively, if it is a very large file you could use
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Jersey Hacker

Joined: 08 Jun 2005
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Location: Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, ill quite happily send you a submission, i will send you a really basic shirt in the next hour or so, based around a shirt template i just drew up, i dont expect you guys to do anything with it, just kidn of a demo to see if im submitting things right, ok?

EDIT: Oh, and you can find a demo of a few of the forum based things ive done on photoshop here:

If you look through the pages, youll get a rough idea of my work and how i approach things (well, you might) although, itll be nothign like what ill send you as a submission (unless you want somethign like that) itll give you a rough demo of my ability


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Jersey Hacker

Joined: 08 Jun 2005
Posts: 864
Location: Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is some really basic ideas of ways of submitting

NOTE: these arent my actual submissions im just trying to confirm how to submit, would images like this be appropriate as a submission, and then if you choose to take it, ill give you just the art work itself, ok? or do you want them submitted differently?

woof ! woof ! copy.jpg
 Filesize:  125.82 KB
 Viewed:  2113 Time(s)

woof ! woof ! copy.jpg

warning wears weird shirts copy.jpg
WARNING: Wears Weird Shirts
 Filesize:  107.7 KB
 Viewed:  2113 Time(s)

warning wears weird shirts copy.jpg


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Joined: 30 Jul 2005
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Location: newquay

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Jersey Hacker,
Wow...Your work is stunning!
I think you can guess we can't print complex designs like these with a 5 colour screen set-up but they are a nice demonstration of what you can do.
You can submit the designs as above, perhaps adding colour to the shirt to suggest what colours you think will best suit the design. We will let you know if it is printable using our method and if so you can send us the image on it's own at full resolution. We will try to match the shirt colour before displaying it on the site. The site will display a full image of the shirt and a 125 x 125 thumbnail abstract (or tease) image. If you would rather select the portion of your image to be used please do and send it as well, alternatively, you could leave that decision to us?
We will have a downloadable shirt template on the site for future submissions but your suggestion is fine for now.
Hope this helps?
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Jersey Hacker

Joined: 08 Jun 2005
Posts: 864
Location: Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks alot, ill be happy to continue producing designs etc, and working with all of you, but unfortunately, im at a LAN party today, so i will notn be able to produce any designs for you, or speak to you further, i will send you an email tomorrow, aswell as post here, in order to carry on producing, and on submission methods etc, thanks for the compliment to, speak tomorrow,

Jersey Hacker


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Jersey Hacker

Joined: 08 Jun 2005
Posts: 864
Location: Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, im back from my LAN Party now, are you suggesting instead of sending you the files on a teplate of a shirt, i just send you the artwork itself? and maybe a text based summary suggesting what colours would suit?

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Joined: 30 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just sending the image file is enough. Vector based is easier for us as it resizes easier and we can save to other formats for the web. If bitmap, then psd files. As we might need to manipulate or resize we want to avoid loss of quality of the image by repeated compression. You can send a text based message to suggest colours but if you also want to send the image on a template with the appropriate colour for illustration purposes that is ok. Just send your files and if we need anything to be done differently we will let you know.
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Jersey Hacker

Joined: 08 Jun 2005
Posts: 864
Location: Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, sounds good, i have send you an email already, is there any particular style of pattern or style you would like me to focus on?

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