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Photoshop expert needed
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Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:38 pm    Post subject: Photoshop expert needed Reply with quote

hey i have a great proposition and experience for anyone interested... you must have a good understanding of photoshop. there is a first person shooter called half life... many people know of it, and recently a newer engine was released for half life... thus we have half life 2... we are a team of people that have set out to create Dissonance, a RPG/FPS for this game... we hope in the near future to release a beta... Dissonance is a modification of the HL2 engine: 2 Teams- the Natural versus the Unnatural wage war in control over ancient and mystical lands that reflect the corruption or purity of the balance of power in which it is controlled. In Dissonace you gain experience as you fight your enemy, currency as reward for destroying your foes in combat all of which is utilized to purchase weapons available to you as you gain strength to meet their requirments.

we are looking for assistance... i am calling upon you... we have 2 coders, a concepts artist (who doesnt do web graphics) and the leader is doing the sounds and music. one problem... we need and artist familiar with photoshop to transfer lines and gradients into a masterpiece of color and lifelike images.
if you are willing to volunteer your time and get your name out there. RSVP ASAP!

AIM SN: SeanMKelly7
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Joined: 11 Nov 2005
Posts: 2
Location: Iowa, United States

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey people, the above topic was posted by a friend of mine who is trying to help me out by recruiting a graphics artist for our web-site.

Currently Dissonance is needing a 2D artist who is adept with photoshop to provide images for our web-site, these images include materials, a few objects, and some celtic weave boarders (ressembles tribal some-what).

As many of you may or may not know- a modeler, skinner, texture artist is attracted to handsome sites, and images (they relate to art, as all graphics artists do) and are less likely to take on a project with out evidence of other graphics- just as coders are more likely to join if another coder is on the team.

The problem is I don't want to advertise the project with out this site being done firstly or first time visitors will find that the site lacks content and never re-visit or even consider joining our team.

I'll explain briefly about the mod.

Dissonance in the meaning of the name taken abstractly means "Out of Harmony" or lack of equilibrium, conflict, or other opposing ideals.

There are 2 teams.
The Undead faction and the Druid faction (unnatrual vs. natural). Each faction has 2 classes to choose from, these classes are Mundane, and Magi.

The Mundane class is a melee and ranged fighter, the magi of course cast magic.
As you fight other players in game you gain experience that allows you to meet the level restrictions of weapons, and you gain currency for killing enemies that allows you to buy these weapons or other items.

There is some unique and fun things projected for this mod- all of which no one will ever hear about unless we get the site built.

Please consider my offer of a position on the team.
You may join us in #Dissonance of on mIRC.

The Dissonance Team.
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