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qG Curtis
Joined: 18 Jun 2012
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:46 am Post subject: Can anyone help pwease :) ? |
Hello Photoshop users,
First off sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. I would like to say if anyone helps me on this issue I will be willing to enter a partnership with them for the remainder of the time. Basically I cannon't design to save my life (I can't even draw stick men) but I need someone who is able to create a professional looking logo and also a website banner.
To know what you are making it for it's for my up-coming organisations (Quality Gaming) which is a professional team who enter online tournaments, go to lan to try and win money with a few add on's etc. Back in 2006 to 2009 we were considered one of the finest teams to embrace eSports untill our downfall due to funding which lead us to shut all operations down. We as an organisation funded teams to go lan due to our sponsors back in the day and gave payment with headsets and general thing's out sponsor's gave us if we placed well in lan/online tournaments.
Coming to the conclusion of me taking inquisitive I am wanting to re-set Quality Gaming back into the gaming scene in which is were you the deisgner comes into play. Every organisation need's a professional graphic designer and I myself ran a gaming business back in 2011 getting Virgin Gaming as our head sponsor (XceLLence eSports) the business was. More to the point If you are interested in this deal please could you reply back.
I wouldn't say this is a competetion all I need in the logo is it to say 'Quality Gaming' with some fancy design etc in the background (I'm not to graphic tech) which is why I leave it upto you the designer. I will ask you to join the organisation as a full time designer for qG and once our name get's into the lime light once again hopefully for your efforts we can come to some sort of payment deal but at this moment in time getting sponsors is hard due to us just starting off. The website is currently getting made why I am coming to Photoshop for designers to put there skills to the tests.
You can also PM me and I will give you much more detail into the offer as I don't want to rant on as much.
Is anyone interested ?
Kind Regards,
Joined: 20 Jun 2012
Posts: 6
Location: USA
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:38 pm Post subject: |
"Quality Gaming" is a great name, i already have ideas running through my head! Im pretty busy (work etc.) but if i have any spare time i will DEFF try to put something together for you but it will be for no charge, it will just be free and you use it as you need.
Best of luck,
Joined: 08 Jul 2012
Posts: 14
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:32 pm Post subject: |
I would pm you but apparently I have to send 25 posts first. Do you still need someone to do this logo? I'm a student and have a lot of free time and could probably have it to you in a day if you still need it.
Joined: 05 Mar 2003
Posts: 3987
Location: Cheltenham, UK
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:02 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 14 Feb 2003
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Location: Harbinger, NC, U.S.A.
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:09 am Post subject: |