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Help making Frames/Borders
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Jesse James

Joined: 17 Oct 2011
Posts: 8
Location: Lake Ozark Missouri

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:26 am    Post subject: Help making Frames/Borders Reply with quote

I am looking to learn how to make templates or frames for my 10 year photo archieve of motorsports. I would like to learn how to make the following type of "frames" and understand how to manipulate them.

I run cs3, with vista my goal is to create a frame then set up a batch process to insert the photos.

Thanks you
shane feel free to leave info here or e-mail at

Thank you in advance for being patient with my slow learning curve....
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Joined: 20 Dec 2008
Posts: 710
Location: Oklahoma
PS Version: photoshop cs5
OS: win7 pro 64 bit, i7-3.2g, GTS 450,

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

well i see you just joined last month so welcome aboard...

don't apologize a lot of us is still learning and we been add it long time.. in fact i am probbly slower than you.. smiling..

a lot of time, definitely not always, if you analyze a image and the seperate objects it become clear on how it was done

like in that sample... simple composite.... they started with a blacklayer background... then on seperate layer they put the flags, the the red frams (simple to do) , the text, other symboles and such ....
and in the middle blank area.... they cut out the area where the car image go into...

little thing there at the bottom where you have a box with red boarder... they baiscally fille the red box with grey horizontal gradiant.... and then on a seperate layer they put in the text...

bottom line to all this is you just start putting it togetther and if you run into trouble or need ask advice we'll be more than will to help out...

as far as batch processing.. your going to need to make some (actions) .
they can be simple but need to think thru what you want it to do when you make them .. but a lot tutorials on making basic actions..
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Jesse James

Joined: 17 Oct 2011
Posts: 8
Location: Lake Ozark Missouri

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the reply, how do i get very elementry instruction...
Thank you in advance for being patient with my slow learning curve....
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Joined: 20 Dec 2008
Posts: 710
Location: Oklahoma
PS Version: photoshop cs5
OS: win7 pro 64 bit, i7-3.2g, GTS 450,

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

first keep in mind that there more than one way to do something in photoshop... what isay may not be the best or easiest.. but it works for me...

we'll address a couple elements in the same picture....
here were going to address that red border that surrounds the that boat picture...
1. open new file and duplicate... and filldup layer with black...
2. then take your marquee tool and make a nice box size (should see the dancing ants... and place that box in the middle, your choice..
3. hit the deletekey.... what you find then youw will still have the dancing ants but that part that deleted is now transparent.... that will be where you would place image... later....
4. now you still have the dancing ants....
a. go to your pallet box and let say make your forground color red..
b. now go to edit and click stroke.... assign the width of thebrush stroke (this is going to be your frame) and click ok ...
and voila... you have your frame that similar to what you see in sample image..... now you can bring in a picture below this layer and resize to fit the box.....

you can use the same basic procedures for that white frame...

how they did that one...
1ok they they made there box, stroke it with white...
2 after that the filled in the box with 50% grey ...
3. then they took there gradient tool the top they choose the gradent where it a horizontal strip thru it..
b. change the opacity to about 50%
c. with thegradient tool now start in the middel and to the edge,, that it
what you should see.. is the top and bottom daker than the midlle. if you don't do some paractice different settings..

for the text that in the white box
1type your text
2position it to where it fit the box
3to then go tolayer styles.... (fx button)
and according the the sample image it looklike they applied a stroke... to get that outline on the text...
however try the other adjustments to have fun with and see how they effect the text ...

well that should be enough to get you started and have fun.... once you do it once you'll it really quite simple
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Jesse James

Joined: 17 Oct 2011
Posts: 8
Location: Lake Ozark Missouri

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


thanks for the effort, but i still need someone to dumb it down for me a

Thank you in advance for being patient with my slow learning curve....
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Joined: 20 Dec 2008
Posts: 710
Location: Oklahoma
PS Version: photoshop cs5
OS: win7 pro 64 bit, i7-3.2g, GTS 450,

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

going to give several tutorials i have found that hopefully addresses varioua elements in that sample image...

this tutoriawl addresses different ways to make those thin borders/frames

now this one here.... it not so much about the frame and boarder but the steps that are made and you leave middle blank to bring your main image..

thislink has a lot of interesting frames tutorials you may want tolook at..

now this tutorial is after you have your template done, it shows how to movin the iimages and readjust them move the picture to a different layer

as far as text... there a ton of tutorials on text effects..suggest just typing in your text and then go to layer styles and play around with the evarious effects like shadows and glow and such..
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