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180 degrees picture, noob questions
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Joined: 23 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:23 am    Post subject: 180 degrees picture, noob questions Reply with quote

Hey! I'm the new guy.
I've had PS for a while, but I've never gotten around using it before now. I know the very basic stuff, but that's not enough to make realistic 180 degrees images.

I started out taking 7 pictures of my motive (the inside of a shop). I first tried arranging them in MS paint, but obviously, that didn't work well.
So I started Photoshop, and messed around a little. Changing the exposure fixed colour differences, and I was able to stretch the images to almost fit the edges.
My first try ended up like this (don't laugh, it's pretty much the first time I've used photoshop):

However, the seams are obvious!
So I decided to completely remake it. This time I used what I had learned during the previous try.
I skewed the images together, making sure they came together more nicely this time.
This was the result:

I spent a lot of time reconstructing the floor to the right in this picture, as the difference in perspective was clearly visible there. However, I'm not entirely happy with how it ended up.
How can I give the reconstructed, textureless floor to the right a more realistic look?
Other than the floor, I'm happy with this one, but I'd really like some constructive criticism.

The picture is of the shop where I work (I'm a student, so I work there a few afternoons a week).
I'm making this for memories sake, as I'm not only gonna move away from home soon, but we're also in the middle of rebuilding the shop.
As a "work in progress" memory, I took some pictures of the shop the way it currently looks (it's not complete yet). While assembling them, however, I found out how the skew function worked.
...this time I was able to more or less make the images fit each other without editing away the seams, but, well, the whole picture got a different shape:

Is it somehow possible to squeeze this image back into a linear shape?

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am a noob with photoshop, please don't use any advanced terms (or if you do, please explain them).
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Joined: 23 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems like there's no need for squeezin' when we can be cropin'!

Again though, the seams are visible...
What's the best way of removing seams? So far I've used the smudge and blur tools, or completely reconstructed the affected area.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your first try was very good, I honestly do not see the seams! I have tried to find them but can't.

One quick point. You have o choose your subject wisely if you want a panoramic picture. You have to think of "perspective" which is what bothered you with the floor-boards looking awkward.
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